Business Capabilities Assessment

    Business capabilities assessment is an important step in enterprise AI transformation consulting practice.

    The business capabilities assessment is a process of evaluating an organization's current capabilities and identifying areas for improvement or investment. This assessment is often used when implementing new technologies, such as AI, to ensure that the organization has the necessary resources and capabilities to successfully integrate and utilize the technology. It involves analyzing the organization's processes, systems, and people, as well as its overall strategy and goals, to determine how AI could best be incorporated for maximum benefit. 

    Our business capabilities assessment is using a model-driven approach. We have pre-built a best practices model for different industries. Providing a quick and structural way to assess the company's current business capabilities, and future to-be requirements. Our samplle assessment model as diagram in below:


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    The capability assessment result includes the quantified result also with visualization like heatmap,  radar diagram etc. Also, more importantly, the result will show the potential AI solutions to enhance capabilities.


    Feel free to contact us to get more information about our business capabilities and AI assessment.